My journey at Dayspring began when I was in first grade. My first day was filled with a lot of tears, but by the end of the week I felt the compassion of my teachers and was excitedly raising my hand trying to answer every question asked. I never looked back after that first week and spent my next 12 years under the tutelage of Dayspring faculty, staff, and coaches. The people of Dayspring planted seeds in me that have helped me grow into the person I am today.
A seed planted in my life that really germinated because of Dayspring’s influence was the acknowledgment of the Lordship of Jesus in all areas of life. This is at the very heart of Dayspring’s mission. As a Dayspring student, I was taught to see God in ALL areas of study and to recognize His orderliness, sovereignty, and redemptive and restorative work in our fallen world. From science and math to language and history, it is evident that Dayspring teachers seek to help students do more than simply learn. They help students see God more clearly. Without a vision of God and His purposes in this world, our efforts fall well short of the mark (Rom. 3:23; Eph. 5:10).
How does this seed look when it is fully grown? Jesus says to His disciples, “I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit” (Jn. 15:16). When I recognize God’s vision and work, it gives me clarity to how I live and bear fruit. One way that I see God’s work of redemption and restoration is in the family unit. I currently volunteer as a male client advocate with a local pregnancy service. As an advocate, I have the privilege of extending God’s grace to fathers who may have had children outside of wedlock. While knowing and holding fast to God’s truth of two becoming one flesh through marriage (Gen. 2:24), I can still minister God’s grace to those who have ventured outside His plan. That’s exactly how God wants to use us when we get on board with His vision!

Matt Day, a 2010 graduate of Dayspring Christian Academy, leads young men at Mission Church in Lancaster and served with them during a missions trip to Phoenix.
Yet another seed planted in the soil of my heart was a love for the next generation. Jesus teaches His disciples that “whoever receives one such child in my name receives me” (Matt. 18:5). God has given me numerous opportunities to be a role model for youth and young kids and it really began in the halls of Dayspring all of those years ago. As an eighth grader, I had the privilege of reading with two first grade students for one of my classes. For three years in high school, I was able to serve as a mentor for sixth-grade boys in Dayspring’s mentorship program. The environment at Dayspring afforded me a culture of relationship building from teachers to students, from high school to middle school, and from middle school to lower school. Today, I am proud to serve as a youth and kids leader at my home church. I am also pursuing a master’s degree in school counseling so that I can serve the next generation in public and private schools.
The seeds sown by a Principle Approach education and watered by the relationships formed during our school years are continually producing good fruit in the lives of Dayspring students and alumni. To God be the glory! If you would like to learn more about Dayspring Christian Academy, call Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000 or schedule a personal tour.